Years ago Tim and Uncle Bud started the work of tracing the family roots. Thanks, Tim. What an incredible task especially before the Internet! At Christmas, Dad gave me the box of research. The records are not originals and can be replaced, but there are 4 narratives that may be one of a kind. I have scanned those and stored the originals. One is attached here.
It is not signed, but at the top in what must be Bud's handwriting it says "Emma Belle (Fallis) Collins". It's in pencil and doesn't show up in the image I've attached. Emma was Great Grandpa Fallis's oldest sister. Emma was born February 24, 1769. She married Charley Collins in 1891 and had a son named Munsey and a daughter named Mary. You can click on the images to see them larger.
I love history so I plan on studying ours. There are a lot of Fallis's out there and it is kind of murky. I am also looking into the Bair history. I will post findings here for all to share.
I would love your help in shaking the family tree.
- Write down any family names or places- please don't assume I know anything. If you give me a name I'll happily research it.
- Write the stories. Your own and those of the people we love. Even the simple things. If this seems awkward, let me know and I can help.
- Fill out forms to help me with the facts. The forms I am referring to are at the top of the sidebar to the right. You can scan and email them to me or send them in the mail. Feel free to leave blanks or put question marks by anything that is a best guess.
- Photos! You can put them in Dropbox for me (just click on the "Dropbox Submission" link on the left sidebar - you do not need a Dropbox account to use this), and we will add them to the album page of the blog. Videos are great too!