Here's another document from Tim and Bud's file. This was most likely written by Emma Belle Fallis Collins. It is reasonable to believe that this was composed before 1896. I've come to this conclusion because the writer only mentions Charles as having L for a middle initial. In 1896, Amos and Elizabeth Woodring Fallis (Amos's second wife) had their youngest son Watt L Fallis. The only other author of our documents is Watt. So, it's safe to assume he would have included himself on the list. Because of Grandpa, Dave and Jeff having Lee as a middle name, I consider the string unbroken though that generation. Unfortunately, none of us knew it was a "thing". I dropped the ball on naming all mine- did any of the rest of you keep it going?
I was curious about the name Farquhar (not one you hear every day), and I was surprised to find out that it's an Irish name. I would not have guessed that.